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How to Increase RAM in PC? – RAM, Steps, Methods and More

by The Digital Trendz
How to Increase Ram in PC? – RAM, Steps, Methods and More - 2020


To know the internal characteristics of the RAM.

It usually has a sticker on the side indicating the type of memory it is, its speed, and the internal latencies used.

If you cannot find them and install any other modules, you will likely be forcing to lower all the RAM parameters.

Until you find a frequency and latencies that work for all of them.

Steps to Increase RAM in PC

Today we will explain how to increase the RAM on your PC in two effortless ways without buying a new one.

As we already know, RAMs are fundamental cards for the operation of your computer

Step 1

First of all, we let you know.

Do not trust the videos and articles that say you can have more RAM for video games with USBs.

It is a lie.

You cannot increase the RAM with a pen drive. It is impossible.

It consists of using special programs like Wise Memory Optimizer or AVG TuneUp.

Step 2

Once recognized, it pauses them (without uninstalling them) to increase your computer’s RAM.

Keep in mind that you will never be able to exceed the ram capacity you have on your card.

That’s impossible.

You must first make sure that the computer or laptop is turning off.

In the case of being a desktop computer, it is necessary to disconnect it.

Wait at least ten seconds to start the change process.

Step 3

Next, go to the place where the RAM is containing.

It can be differentiating very quickly in a laptop since next to one of the back covers just next to the screw.

There is a figure allusive of it.

With the help of a screwdriver, enter this space, carefully remove the metal tabs located on the sides that support it.

Before removing the RAM, it is crucial to observe the slots’ position and exact location to correctly place the new memory.

Step 4

In the end, put the lid back on. Turn on the computer and go to the desktop.

Then right-click and select “properties.”

As you can see, the process is quite simple.

It does not matter if you are not an expert in digital matters.

It just requires a little patience and follows all the instructions step by step

Other Methods to Increase Ram Speed in PC

our computer usually has a default configuration to decide how much RAM to use depending on the case, always leaving 10% or 20% unused.

We will show you step by step how to recover that lost percentage of ram below.

It is one of the most effective methods to increase the RAM’s versatility in any operating unit you want, modifying the virtual memory.

It is in any operating system, be it Windows 7, 8, or 10, among other advanced techniques.

The first thing you should do is enter the control panel and search for System.

After you have found it, click on it, which will send you immediately to the control panel of your PC.

Considerations to Increase RAM in PC

How many RAM Slots does the motherboard have, and how many are currently Occupying?

Although it may seem like a truism, it knows how many free slots the motherboard has is essential before thinking about buying more RAM modules.

If your motherboard has only two RAM slots and you have both occupied, to expand the memory, all you have to do is buy two more RAM modules with a higher capacity.

If, on the contrary, the motherboard has four slots, of which only two of them are occupying, then there is no problem, and you can proceed to the next step.

What Type of RAM does your computer use?

This characteristic must also be taken into account when looking for new RAM for our equipment.
Unless we are talking about a laptop, the usual thing is that the motherboards for desktop computers have slots for RAM type DIMM (Dual In-Line Memory Module).

However, it is not strange to see motherboards in mini ITX format with slots for RAM type SO-DIMM (Small Outline Dual In-Line Memory Module).

Depending on the type of memory that the motherboard uses, you should buy the new memory modules.

What Model of RAM does your System Use?

Currently, in the market, you can find DDR3 and DDR4 type RAM.

Although you look well, there is also SDRAM, DDR, and DDR2 memory, although these are more expensive than the older type of memory.

Of course, the new RAM that you are going to buy must be the same model as the one that supports the motherboard

What internal characteristics does the RAM you have installed use?

Another aspect to consider is the internal characteristics of the memory you have installed, both its frequency and its latencies.

As a rule, when expanding the System’s RAM, new modules should be established that was precisely the same as those that were previously installing in the System.

If this is impossible, look for RAM modules whose characteristics are the most similar to them.

What configuration of RAM does the computer use?

In this case, we refer to whether your System operates RAM in a single channel, dual channel, triple channel, or quad-channel.

This aspect is crucial since, depending on how it works, this will have to be expanding.

In other words, if the RAM works in a dual-channel, to expand it must be done with two new modules similar to the ones already installed.

What Penalties does the memory controller impose when filling all RAM Slots?

This last point is also crucial to know before embarking on the expansion.

And this is because not all platforms support filling all memory slots well. In this regard, the Intel Core series supports RAM expansions better as long as their frequencies are not very high.

For example, for the newer Ryzen processors, if all the memory modules are full, the maximum frequency at which the RAM can work is 2667 MHz.

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