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What is HTML? – Definition, Work, Types, and More

by The Digital Trendz


It’s the word form in English for machine-readable text language and is that the language wont to produce web content.

Indeed you have got detected it named k times and need to grasp what HTML suggests that.

It is an associate abstract language that applications use to represent documents (they square measure referred to as full documents instances, like internet pages), merely transmitting through some medium, like the net.

Net browsers method associated interpret documents to delineate in HTML exploitation an HTML program.

The HTML language is outlined by what square measure refers to as tags, whose name is delimited exploitation of the symbols.

For example: Basic <b class=”qtiperar” style=”color:violet; cursor:pointer” title=”internet|web|net”>net</b>, email, downloads and <b class=”qtiperar” style=”color:green; cursor:pointer” title=”online|on-line”>on-line</b> purchases.

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What is the Work of HTML?

HTML documents square measure files that finish with associate .html or .htm extension .

The browser reads the HTML file and displays its content so that net users will see it.

The average web site usually includes many completely different HTML pages.

For example, home pages, regarding pages, and speak to pages can all have separate HTML documents.

Each HTML page consists of a collection of tags (also referred to as components ) that you’ll be able to seek advice from because of the building blocks of web content.

They produce a hierarchy that structures content into sections, paragraphs, headings, and different content blocks.

Most HTML components have a gap and shutting that use the syntax.

What are the Types of HTML?

HTML tags have two main types: block and inline.

Block-level components take up all accessible house and continuously begin a replacement line within the document.

Headings and paragraphs square measure an excellent example of block tags.

Inline things solely take up the full amount house as they have and don’t begin a replacement line on the page.

They’re usually wont to format the inner contents of components at the block level. Highlighted links and strings square measure smart samples of online tags.

Block labels

The three block-level tags that each HTML document should contain square measure.

The tag is that the highest level component that encloses each HTML page.

The tag contains meta info like the page title and list.

Finally, the tag encloses all the content that seems on the page.

Headings have six levels in this.

They vary from to, wherever h1 is that the highest level heading and h6 are the lowest.

Paragraphs square measure boxed by, whereas block quotes use the tag.

We can mark them exploitation the tag.

A div component may contain another div tag within it.

You can conjointly use the tags for numbered lists and for those who cannot number.

The tag should box the individual components of the list.

As an example, this is often what an essential myriad list appears like in HTML:

List item one

item two

item three

Online Tags

Many inline tags square measure cannot format text.

For example, a   tag would render associate items in daring, whereas tags would show it in italics.

Hyperlinks are inline components that need tags attributes to point to the destination of the link

Images square measure online things too.

What are the Pros and cons of HTML?

Like most things, HTML comes with advantages and disadvantages.


  • It is a widely used language with many resources and a great community.
  • This runs natively in all web browsers.
  • It comes with a flat learning curve.
  • This is open source and completely free.
  • Clean and consistent marking.
  • Official web standards are maintaining by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
  • Easily integrable with backend languages ​​like PHP and Node.js.


  • It is mostly used for static web pages. To get dynamic functionality, you may need to use JavaScript or a backend language like PHP.
  • It does not allow the user to implement the logic. As a result, all web pages must be created separately, even if they use the same elements, such as headers and footers.
  • Some browsers adopt new features slowly.
  • Browser behavior is sometimes difficult to predict (for example, older browsers don’t always display the newest tags).

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