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How Does Accurate Medical Coding Improve Patient Experience?

Accurate Medical Coding

Medical coding is the practice of translating patients’ crucial medical information into simple codes for ease of medical record documentation, billing, and reimbursement during health claims. When done accurately, medical coding can streamline the process of not just making healthcare claims but also receiving reimbursements.

What is Medical Coding?

Medical coding is a vital component of the healthcare claim cycle. It is the translation of healthcare services – including diagnosis, medical procedures, and equipment into unique codes for a patient, which can be used to track their history and facilitate the billing and insurance healthcare claims.

The medical coding process involves transcribing appropriate documentation, adding the correct procedure and diagnostic codes, and developing a claim that can be submitted to the insurance companies. Accurate medical coding can help insurance companies understand healthcare costs by deeming which procedure is necessary for what illness or injury. At an individual level of insurance payers or patients, accurate medical coding can help them understand individual financial responsibilities and keep their medical records efficient.

How Can Inaccurate Medical Coding Affect Insurance Companies?

Inaccurate or incorrect medical coding can affect insurance companies leading to potential overpayments, missed revenue, or even potential lawsuits whereby patients can claim that the companies are abusing their reimbursement policies. It can also tremendously affect staffing as follow-ups on inaccurate claims processing increase. Therefore, medical coding services play an important role in protecting the interests of insurance companies.

How Does Inaccurate Medical Coding Affect the Patient? 

Inaccurate medical coding has grave consequences for insurance companies but graver consequences for the patient. Some of them include the following:

How Can Medical Coding Services Ensure Accuracy?

Medical coding accuracy is pertinent for patient safety, satisfaction, and a smooth revenue cycle. Therefore, medical coding services need to ensure that accurate coding takes place. Some of the policies they can adhere to provide the same are as follows:

Final Words

Medical coding is a task undertaken by qualified professionals who can make sense of medical data before transcribing them as deemed appropriate. Unfortunately, human errors are common and can affect efficiency, delayed patient care, or negative patient satisfaction. Therefore, finding a streamlined service that ensures quality services at every step is necessary to prevent negative repercussions. Due to the sensitive nature of medical data, all medical coding processes must go through intensive and rigorous quality checks to ensure a smooth billing cycle, better patient care, and fewer medical errors.

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